Duvel Moortgat as a sponsorship- and events partner
Please check the list below to see how we select sponsorship requests, before filling out the form.
Send us the application at least 8 weeks before your planned activity. Our Events Team checks what you would need and if that is feasible from a budgetary point of view. Within 4 weeks we will send you an answer.

• Are you looking for gadgets or raffle prizes for your event? These are available to purchase online from our brand webshops. Discover the different links on our brand page or shop at one of our visitor centers physical shops after a brewery tour.
• For the beers you wish to serve during a private party, you can visit a drinks market of your choice. Our partners - drinks markets, supermarkets and catering industry - would not be pleased if we would sell our beers directly to you. You can always approach them with a price request or to rent other party materials.
• We prefer to be present at high-quality events, where our beers are consumed responsibly. Events for minors are therefore not eligible for sponsoring.
• For a long time now, we have been supporting good causes such as Habbekrats, the AntiKankerfonds, Jules Bordet Instituut, Kamiano, Een hart voor A.L.S and Barefoot Acupuncturists. We also support culture and art: we are partners of, among others, the MadMusée in Liège, the Herbert Foundation, Wiels and Museum D’Hondt-Dhaenens. As we wish to put a lot of time and care into these projects, it would not be appropriate to support more initiatives.
• It goes without saying that we are exclusively present with our specialty beers at an event. Display of the logo is a plus for us, but it's not the main goal of our sponsorship. However, a creative interpretation with a clear link to one of our brands absolutely is. Have you already thought about this, or do you need some inspiration? Be sure to talk to us.