As humans, we thrive through interaction and collaboration. As brewers, we cherish this togetherness.
Something as simple as sharing a drink truly forms and strengthens a bond between people. Nourishing emotional connections, our premium brands speak to consumers across the globe. Therefore, as committed entrepreneurs, we recognize we move within a context shaped by societal conventions and expectations. We are well aware of our influence and fulfil our role with great care.

What makes certain moments memorable? What turns an everyday encounter into an exceptional experience?
We believe it’s a matter of genuine connection, taking the time and opportunity to open up to each other, and to the world around us. It sits in the sweet spot between delight and indulgence. Alcoholic or non-alcoholic? It’s not a duel; at Duvel Moortgat, both options are on the same team. We support awareness, without resorting to alarmism. Obviously, we will never promote boundless hedonism; what’s the point of creating precious memories and then crumbling them? Moderation is key to appreciate the mastery and the moment.

From intense conversations to joyous occasions, our high-quality specialty beer often accompanies people on moments that matter.
Rich and robust, bold and playful or simply refreshing… Whatever the way people want to enjoy our unique craftsmanship, our dedication to excellence and our tantalizing flavors – ranging from familiar to audacious – we aim to offer the right choice that suits the mood, the time and the company. We treasure the tradition of serving a brew for every preference as we continue to expand our know-how and portfolio, meeting the changing tastes of an increasingly diverse population of consumers worldwide.

We collaborate with partners and organizations to promote responsible drinking campaigns, raising awareness about moderation and the potential risks of alcohol misuse. These initiatives help foster a culture of mindful consumption.

We are committed to increasing the availability of no- and low-alcoholic brews in our product lineup