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Renewable energy at Firstone Walker - A big step forward

A big step forward

As sunny as bright, our American brewery is setting a high standard with its forward[1]thinking sustainability efforts. In 2023, they surpassed the 50% mark for on[1]site renewable electricity generation. By transitioning to solar energy, they reduce their carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. Enhancing the brewery’s efficiency further, they use microturbines to generate energy from renewable biogas produced by anaerobic digesters during wastewater treatment. The brewery has a 2 MWp solar array with trackers on-site for 2 years and has expanded with an additional 500 kWp solar array on the new warehouse. With California’s excellent solar irridiation, Firestone Walker produces most of its own electricity on-site.

New PV systems on the roof of Firestone Walker’s brewery have increased the on-site solar power production to 60%. Annually, the installation generates 5,000,000 kWh of clean energy. To keep improving, the brewery is studying the impact of heat pumps and solar thermal collectors in both the brewery and wastewater treatment, aiming to optimize energy use even more and reinforce the company’s commitment to sustainability.